How to solve viber contact list problem when you are on a vacation

Well, it's very annoying that when you go on a vacation and all of a sudden you are unknown and a strange person to your close friends. :(

Let me tell you my story so that you can understand the problem clearly and easily. Let's say some go out of UK , and when went out viber was still working with his other number (Which he used to use in the UK) but recently it's got reseted so he had to add his new number to Viber.

After adding his new number he still couldn't able to see his friend's profile picture and when he was last online, as you can see the picture above on the left.

If your friends and family are in the UK then add 0044 before their phone numbers and remember not to add 0 before 7 as you know all UK's mobile numbers start with 07 as far as I know, so just add 0044 then on.

It might be a bit different for other countries but I hope this will work for people who trying to contact someone in the UK.

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