LinkCollider review (with issues)

Hi, you might already know what link collider is and you'll find all most everyone on the net is praising it. Let's see what this gentlemen is saying about the link collider.

"I'm currently using many traffic exchange sites for quality traffic. But after using Link Collider I found it much helpful. I'm using this site for quality traffic. Also I use this site for some seo service.
They provide sharing websites into facebook, twitter, Stumbleupon and many more, this is not the end. I also use this site for backlinks and directory submission. But to do all of these thing I need points, and they provide free 1000 points everyday for free. I use another process to earn points, like browsing sites or sharing sites in to social networking sites. So basically I'm using Link Collider and it's very good for seo and traffic exchange. I recommend it to use if you are looking for these kind of services."

Some issues:
1. You're not getting very much tweeter followers!
You're right that's because in link collider when someone clicks on the twitter follower button a window pops so that the person can sign in and follow you. But what happens is if he clicks on unfollow button then clicks the follow button again he gets more tokens and if he keeps doing this he keeps getting tokens, that's how you loosing your tokens but not getting much followers. Luckily he only can do this for up to 40 times before he could do that for ever. So I think it's better not to try to get followers with link collider untill they fix this.

2. Not getting much tweets!
Well, what can I say about this one, this is similar to the top one. People can get tokens without tweeting or they even can tweet what ever they want without your one (what you wanted to tweet) and they still get the tokens. But one thing good about this one is that when you put less tokens then some time people not even bother to edit the tweet they'll tweet it and this is how you might get some of your tweets being tweeted for you if you are lucky enough.

3. Losing too much tokens through clicks!
Lol, this one even bigger issue, when someone clicks on a website to brows and get tokens, he has to wait for 30 seconds to get the tokens. After getting the tokens if he reloads the page again he gets more tokens, and if he keeps doing this he keeps getting tokens. The funny thing is (if you are a web developer you'll understand this) that you can turn this to an auto surf just by copying the url and make an iframe which reloads every 35 seconds you will keep getting tokens without doing anything.

4. Not getting much real facebook shares!
Right, how would you know that how many people actually shared on face and how many people are still sharing? Well, it's very simple go to google search for "Facebook share buttnot" change the "URL to share" to yours then you'll know that how many people still sharing your link. I don't recomend anyone to use this service of link collider because link collider showed me 100s of people shared the link on face book but when I checked I found almost nothing. OK I understand that some of them must have removed but I didn't expect 99% of them removed from there page.
See the result and I think you'll be shocked!!! Link collider says I've got 149 shares but in reality I've only got 4. When I saw this result, I've stopped sharing immediately. 

These are the few issues I've found you might find some more, please let me know in the comment below about your experience with link collider. Love to hear that! :)


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