You might get confused when you see the path "Recorded file: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.hyperionics.avar/files/Name of your file". Actually it's very simple. Just open your "My Files" >> then open "Device storage" >> from here it's normal as you saw in the picture. "Android folder" >> then "Data" >> "com.hyperionics.avar" >> "files" >> here you will find all of you saved/recorded files.
OK, you might think it's very simple. I know it's very simple for those who already know but some people still can get confused by this "/storage/emulated/0/" path, so I thought it would be better if I share it. Anyway this app is very useful for those who don't want to read long articles, you can just make this app read for you.
How to record and save the sounds not the files