Well, I'm writing this because after seeing some Banglish (Bangla with English alphabets) made me go crazy. I found very hard to make sense of those writings, so I thought what's wrong with it and tried to dive a bit deeper.
So I opened Google map and started comparing the names. So after comparing hundreds of names I found that people who wrote the names on the map didn't have clue how to spell them so they just wrote however they felt like. Maybe this caused confusion to normal people and then they started writing how ever they felt like causing more confusions among people.
I've also seen this written confusions in social media like TikTok, Facebook and YouTube. So I thought why not put this cause of confusion and tell people to write with the right alphabets.
Here is the example 1: As you know that the letter a sounds like a. Well it's very difficult to explain in writing. Just imagine a sound in word "fast". So names below all sound like the letter a.
A with (a) sound | Bangla |
Dhaka | ঢাকা |
Dhamrai | ধামরাই |
Baipayl | বাইপাইল |
Vadail | ভাদাইল |
Bagbari | বাগবাড়ি |
Gazipur | গাজীপুর |
Kashimpur | কাশিমপুর |
Tangail | টাঙ্গাইল |
Baghabari | বাঘাবাড়ী |
Madaripur | মাদারীপুর |
Rajshahi | রাজশাহী |
Dangapara | ডাঙ্গাপাড়া |
Birampur | বিরামপুর |
Daudpur | দাউদপুর |
Tarail | তাড়াইল |
Sariakandi | সারিয়াকান্দি |
Shabgram | সাবগ্রাম |
Utra | উতড়া |
Jamalpur | জামালপুর |
Dowarabazar | দোয়ারাবাজার |
Tahirpur | তাহিরপুর |
Bonpara | বনপাড়া |
Gaibandha | গাইবান্ধা |
Gopinathpur | গোপীনাথপুর |
Tungipara | টুঙ্গিপাড়া |
Anwara | আনোয়ারা |
Boalkhali | বোয়ালখালী |
Nazirhat | নাজিরহাট |
Bithar | বিথার |
Chandpur | চাঁদপুর |
Baburhat Bazar | বাবুরহাট বাজার |
Baridhara | বারিধারা |
Gulshan | গুলশান |
Mohakhali | মহাখালী |
Lalmatia | লালমাটিয়া |
Cumilla | কুমিল্লা |
Abdullahpur | আব্দুল্লাহপুর |
Shahpur | শাহপুর |
Khaliajuri | খালিয়াজুরী |
Kendua | কেন্দুয়া |
Atpara | আটপাড়া |
Netrokona | নেত্রকোনা |
Barhatta | বারহাট্টা |
Pakundia | পাকুন্দিয়া |
Bajitpur | বাজিতপুর |
Nandina | নান্দিনা |
Bhawal | ভাওয়াল |
Kazipur | কাজিপুর |
Ullapara | উল্লাপাড়া |
Here is the example 2: They also pronounce it like o (like o in the word "Go"). As you can see in the below names, but funny thing is there are many names with 2 (aa) in one word and they pronounce one as A sound and another as O sound. Imagine how confusing that can get.
A with (o) sound | Bangla |
Munshiganj | মুন্সিগঞ্জ |
Rohanpur | রহনপুর |
Kishorganj | কিশোরগঞ্জ |
Jashore | যশোর |
Khoshmahal | খোশমহল |
Madarganj | মাদারগঞ্জ |
Mathbaria | মঠবাড়ীয়া |
Santoshpur | সন্তোষপুর |
Madhabpur | মাধবপুর |
Nagarpur | নাগরপুর |
Chhatak | ছাতক |
Fatiamari | ফটিয়ামারী |
Naogaon | নওগাঁ |
Gopalganj | গোপালগঞ্জ |
Chattogram | চট্টগ্রাম |
Yasin Nagar | ইয়াছিন নগর |
Faridganj | ফরিদগঞ্জ |
Sadarpur | সদরপুর |
Hazratpur | হযরত পুর |
Manikganj | মানিকগঞ্জ |
Bishwanath | বিশ্বনাথ |
Mohanganj | মোহনগঞ্জ |
Bhara Beel | ভরা বিল |
Mahona | মাহনা |
Here is the example 3: They pronounce the letter o as o (like o in the word "Go") as normally people would do, as you can see the names with letter o with o sound below. So my question is if you use letter O for O sound then why do you have to use A as O sound? I think this is the thing which causing big confusion.
O With (o) Sound | Bangla |
Gopaya | গোপায়া |
Bogura | বগুড়া |
Proshadpur | প্রসাদপুর |
Khoshmahal | খোশমহল |
Rohanpur | রহনপুর |
Kishorganj | কিশোরগঞ্জ |
Dowarabazar | দোয়ারাবাজার |
Bonpara | বনপাড়া |
Jashore | যশোর |
Gopalganj | গোপালগঞ্জ |
Gopinathpur | গোপীনাথপুর |
Santoshpur | সন্তোষপুর |
Boalkhali | বোয়ালখালী |
Tongi | টঙ্গী |
Mohakhali | মহাখালী |
Netrokona | নেত্রকোনা |
Mohanganj | মোহনগঞ্জ |
Conclusion: I humbly ask the people not to use the letter A as O sound, that simply doesn't make any sense, plus causes more confusion. Thanks
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