How to compare two youtube channels

If you have tow youtube channels and you want to see what's going on and compare between them then it might be very difficult if you try to do that manually, but don't worry there is a way of doing it and it's super easy to compare between two or even three youtube channels. It doesn't matter if those channels are yours or you want to compare the channels that you are interested in.

First step:
Go to this site called www.socialblade/youtube then enter the username of your or the channel you want to compare in the search box on the top right hand corner.

In my case I have entered "Karim" so I found two of his channels. One KARIM and another KUKU.

Step 2:
Once you have found the channel you wanted then clicked on it, you will find a "Compare" button just beneath the search box like the picture below. Once you found that then click that compare button.
Step 3:
In this step you will see 3 boxes where it says "Enter youtube username" so here enter the username that you want to compare with then hit the "compare Channels" button. In my case I have entered the KUKU's username.

You probably thinking why I didn't enter "KUKU"? Well, that's because when I entered KUKU it was a different challen so I copied the code which I found next to the KUKU's original channel as you can see in the second picture from the top. I've written about how you can get originag username of a youtube channel in the other post.

Step 4:
Well, we have reached the destination and now you can see all the details.
That's all for this post I hope you like it and if you did please come back for more tips like this. Thanks :)


compare two youtube channels. compare youtube channels. how to compare youtube channels. compare youtube channel. youtube channel compare. compare youtube channels and statistics. compare 2 youtube channels.

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